We didn’t want our cats to feel like they were being left out of the Lunar New Year celebrations. What better way for a cat to celebrate the occasion than their own dumpling that they can play with?
This is a super quick last minute craft. The only materials required for it are a piece of cream colored felt, some poly-fil, some catnip, a needle and thread. These can also be made with a sewing machine if you wish, but I didn’t have mine set up at the moment, and it is super quick to make even if sewn by hand.
Start by cutting out a circle for the base of your dumpling. I traced a plastic lid to make mine.
Fold the piece of felt and half and sew along the top edge while stuffing it with the poly-fil and catnip.
Make pleats in the top of the dumpling, and use a needle and thread to sew them down.
At this point your catnip dumpling is finished. All that is left to do is give it to your cats and watch them play. Our kitten was more than happy to test out the new toy for me. She loved it!