My children and I decided that spring break was the perfect time to make a new Easter decoration. This Easter Egg garland looks great over our fireplace, and the children loved getting to help out with this craft project.

This project was super easy and fun. The kids love any excuse to play with the puffy paint, and it works perfectly for creating the designs on the Easter eggs.
To make this project you will need felt, scissors, puffy fabric paint, and string.
The first step is to cut egg shapes out of the felt.

Use the puffy paint to decorate the eggs, and leave them to dry. This is the part of the craft that the kids will have fun with.

Once the paint has dried use a needle and thread to make the garland. Insert the needle through the front of the egg on one side, and out the front on the other side.

Once you have put all the eggs on the string it is finished. All you have to do now is hang it up and enjoy your new Easter decoration!