Footprint and Handprint Turkey

Thanksgiving is almost here, and we have time for one more easy craft. One of my favorite projects that my son came home from school with was a handprint and footprint turkey he made in kindergarten. This project is a great way to remember how small they were. Since I loved that project so much we decided to make one, and teach you how to make your own.

This is a very easy project for little kids, and can be made with materials commonly found in the home.

For this project you will need a pencil, marker, scissors, glue and construction paper. You will want brown paper for the turkey body. For the feathers we used orange and yellow. We wanted to use red too, but realized we didn’t have any when we started.

For the body of the turkey, trace around your child’s foot. Then, have your child cut out the footprint along the lines.

Next, have them trace around their hands on the other sheets of construction paper and have them cut those out too.

Have your child glue the handprint feathers to the back of the footprint body.

After the feathers are glued on cut a small diamond from the orange paper. Fold it in half and glue it to the front of the footprint to make a mouth. Cut feet from the orange paper and glue them to the bottom of the turkey. Use a marker to make the turkey’s eyes.

Don’t forget to write the child’s name and the year on the back of the turkey so you can save it. This footprint and handprint turkey craft is such a fun and easy way to remember how small they were at Thanksgiving. My kids loved making this craft project, and I hope yours will too.

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